Brussel Sprouts, Cabbage then Collards top-left.

Another view Top view of the cabbage, I took two home!
Spring Cabbage taste better eaten young.

Berea is excited snapping off Collard leaves!

On Saturday, I took Mark and Berea with me to Fodor Farm. My little side-kick, Imani was away in New York visiting her folks. Berea and Imani have been to the farm with me, but it was Marks first time. He came reluctantly but with a bit of bullying from me he came, and had a fantastic time.
I was Hoping that you would see the little DVD Slide-show that I did, but I couldn't get it to load so I did some pictures. There were about 150 pictures, but here a re just a few. Enjoy!

Mark is more excited snapping Collard leaves -- they tasted great!
I am growing the following vegetables at Fodor Farm:
- Jalapeno Peppers
- Sweet Peppers
- Bell Peppers
- Hot Peppers (it has a name I can't remember)
- Honey Dew Melon
- Cucumber
- Snow Peas
- Bush Beans
- Collard Greens
- Cabbage
- Brussel Sprout
- Tomato
- Eggplant (Purple)
- Eggplant (white)
- Zuchini
- More cabbage
I have two plots 4' X 12' at Fodor Farm which is Norwalk's Community Garden.
My friend Daisy Marie goes out there with me, she has a garden and we share another garden that was abandoned by a friend. You will see photos of many gardens and I did not tag which ones were mine. You will see because I'm picking from one of them.
At home, I'm growing Zuchini, Tomato, Celery, Brussel Sprout, Cabbage, - this garden was a Father's Day gift to Melvyn.
I am also growing herbs - Mint, Lemon-Balm Mint, Oregano, Basil, Sweet Italian Basil, Rosemary, Thyme, and Parsley.
Peoria taught me how to garden, just in case you're wondering.
Love to you all!